Comment calCULer votre âge sexuel ?

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Questions choppées sur Sexactu. J’en profite pour tester ma plateforme de sondages pluri disciplinaires inutile faite maison. *0*
Voici donc un sondage qui vous donne en score votre véritable âge sexuel si on en croit Maïa. Le fun est de découvrir le décalage avec votre age réel.

Mwah ah ah, selon ces points j’ai 21 ans de plus que mon vrai âge.
Plus vous êtes de fous à voter plus vous verrez les statistiques évoluer. Formidable! Allez l’ouilla!
Toudmême, ça fait moins impératif quand les points attribués à chaque réponse sont cachés.

  1. Chachi

    in the article, time for some to wake up and smell the cofefe.Have they given any reason for blocking access? Guess its because we cant trust our young people? despite the fact that most/many pupils will have unrestricted access at home crazy!!!!!!I do some work with GCC so please do let me know if you think i can be of any help at all in trying to change mindsets.Great that you are using youtube in this way and i wish you well hopefully access will open up for you. Just before retiring from Strathclyde University last June i was presented with an award as the Most Innovative Lecturer’ in the University an award voted on by the students themselves. I mention this not through ego but because it shows that the fundamentals of education are changing young people want to learn in different ways compared to even a few years go. The sage on the stage’ approach to teaching (i.e. you, me broadcasting education is no longer the best way to educate our young people). Basically all i done was to crowdsource’ the content of my course from the students themselves using social media. I set up a very simple and easy to use e-learning community for them and asked them to post interesting social media videos from youtube; references to good blog articles, online research etc. With a class of over 130 students we ended up with a volume and quality of online information way in excess of what i could have done on my own. So the award should not really have been presented to me. It was an award for the whole class, voted by the class for the class. Rather than being a sage on the stage’, i became a facilitator of crowdsourced knowledge transfer.Sorry to harp on, but like you, this is something close to my heart. Those who block access to social media are having a major negative impact on the education of our young people. Smell the cofefe guys.Take care and thanks for taking the time to commentJim H